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Major Factors Affecting Perception in Psychology

· self improvement,self development,perception,personal development

From the time we wake up till the time we retire to our beds, we go through a lot of emotions, speculations, choices, and turmoil. This is a common human routine that becomes a pattern in everyone's life; the only thing that differs is the intensity of such instances from person to person. Human beings get accustomed to the activities and instances of daily lives, thereby, resulting in them having a perception of their surroundings. Perceptions can be defined as the ability of a person to feel, grasp, or have an intuition or form an idea of an object, person, or phenomenon by just listening or even the mention of that particular thing. It might sound subtle but it plays a key role in personality development classes and most of the time it focuses on the factors affecting perception and the ideologies related to it. The human mind is wondrous and holds the ability to amaze you at every point so much so that most of us are unaware of its multiple functions.

Many do not know that a better understanding comes from a wholesome ability to perceive which also helps in the development of brains as well as their personality.

However, no matter how much we try, there are times where we fall prey to certain subtle inclinations which turn out to be the factors affecting perceptions and the possible ideas that could have come with it.

This article aims at creating awareness through the socio-cultural factors affecting perception so that it can be easily accessible to a layman who is not much familiar with the psychological concept of perception and its many properties. To create a concrete understanding of perception, it can also be termed as a vision, that helps us to form an understanding about an upcoming action or phenomenon; a natural human understanding that helps you trigger your senses and gets them ready for the upcoming reactions. 

Starting with...  

  • Attitude: 

Whenever there is a scope for perception, a human mind finds freedom to think about it without any hindrance. However, at times, it can change according to our preconceived notions or attitude about that particular thing or a person. It solely depends upon the way of analyzing a given phenomenon. 

  • Prejudice: 

No matter how much we try, we still end up falling prey to stereotypes. Stereotypes are a result of having a prejudicial notion or mindset about a certain thing that can hamper the whole idea and vision that could have been created through the wonders of perception. We often believe that thinking or deciding about a particular person or object beforehand can ease our encounter with it but in fact, it makes it awkward and chaotic as your brain would have created another picture whereas you now have to deal with the opposite or a different instance. This is also a reason why they say expectations can hurt your feelings. 

  • Time: 

Time is a very strong agent of perception. We are all aware of how time can heal as well as destruct anything and anyone but most of us still have to understand how strong and true it stands to the previous statement. Not only a counselor but even the best corporate coach of India will advise you to adhere to time and its demands. Perception is very closely associated with time as it changes with priorities, demands, and choices that are brought about by "Time". 

  • Interests: 

Strike the cord when it’s hot! -A saying that will resonate till the end of time. One should work for it when the forces and the interest, both are in alignment with each other and if one fades away, it becomes tough to maintain the rapport afterward. The interest of a human being varies from time to time, in some exceptional cases, it also remains constant, which happens with people who are well determined and certain about their choices. But, what about the people who lack determination or say do not choose to stick to one particular interest or hobby for a long time, it becomes necessary for them to change the perception of their goals which in turn affects the interest they have in their lives. 

  • Experiences: 

It is true what they say about experiences- they can provide you the best personality development classes! Nothing can mold a person stronger than the things and incidents that have happened in the past. It has such strong connections with perspectives that it is one of the strongest factors affecting perception. Even for some people, experiences are painful but it has been a huge source of learning that has brought about a lot of awareness to them. It is safe to term it as a huge life changer. 

These were some prominent factors affecting perception but there are minute or temporary emotions like anger, sadness, confusion, and even happiness. The best corporate coaches of India believe this quality to be a latent but strong and dominant one that shapes the outlook and life of a person. Perception is an ability that can prove to be a vital part of personality development classes.