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How to make Child Smart and Intelligent 

As parents, we are wired to love our little ones for all that they are. We always work hard to go that extra mile to secure and ensure the very best for them. We do not want them to fall behind in this competitive world. We desire that they grow up to be happy and successful individuals. The desire is strong enough to push every parent to strive to provide nothing less than the best for their children. At times, parents, despite having the best of intentions, struggle to figure out what it is that they are supposed to channel their energy towards. Read on to know how to make child smart and intelligent for this world. 

  • Being Early: 

Like for all great endeavors, raising a smart and intelligent child must begin early. How early? Well, conscious efforts must begin right from pregnancy. The pregnant mother must have a happy and healthy pregnancy. She must not undergo unnecessary stress and must be provided with a good support system. Her nutrition must be looked into and she must abstain from smoking, consuming alcohol, and taking drugs. Once health check-ups are kept up with and the doctor’s advice followed, one can prevent pregnancy complications and early issues with the child’s development. 

  • Ensure Nutritious Intake: 

After birth, the child’s immediate nutritive need is breast milk. Absolute breastfeeding must compulsorily be continued for at least the first six months. This goes a long way in ensuring the child’s brain development. After that, weaning can be started with home-cooked food. Food rich in iron and calcium, like Raggi and boiled, mashed vegetables can be given to the child. This will help maintain the child’s health and overall development. 

  • Engage in Play: 

Play is a crucial activity that stimulates the child imaginatively and intellectually. Parents must actively partake in play sessions with the child and must encourage the child to indulge in it. With eye fixation of a child happening somewhere between 4 to 6 months, getting your child bright toys and moving objects will aid the child in developing focus. Games that include colorful numbers and alphabets can allow the child an early exposure. Such games should always be preferred over games or cartoons on electronic devices. Increased screen time at a very early age can be detrimental to a child’s development. Parents must also ensure that the child has enough outdoor exposure. Being in the midst of nature can be nurturing and will have a positive influence on the child. 

  • Read to Them: 

A crucial way of molding a child to grow up to be smart and intelligent is by reading to them. It must be developed as a ritual so that the child will get used to it. The stories read to children must be those especially aimed at children. This would include imaginative and educational tales. Children can also be encouraged to listen to children’s songs. This would encourage them to attempt to sing along and grasp words. 

  • Discourage Tantrums: 

Once they grow up a bit, their personality begins to take firmer shape. This period must be handled with greater care by the parents. The inquisitive, probing nature of a child must be encouraged and appreciated. However, if the child begins to throw tantrums, parents must take special care to not encourage their behavior. However difficult it might be to say no to your bundle of joy, parents must never give in to tantrums. A child violently throwing around a tantrum must be moved to a safe space where there is no provision to hurt oneself.  Then, the child should be left alone for a little while during which the child will gradually calm down and forget what s/he was upset about. Discouraging tantrums can build a better personality in kids that would ease their way around in the world. 

  • Encourage Domestic Mimicry: 

Once a little older, a child might display an inclination towards domestic mimicry. When a child mimics the everyday tasks done by others in the house, it must always be encouraged by the parents. For instance, when feeding the child solid food, the child might attempt to feed you back. This is a positive symbol of learning and parents must play along and appreciate the child. 

  • Provide timely Parental Care and Professional Intervention: 

Apart from all the above suggestions, parents must uncompromisingly watch over the health of the child to ensure that s/he grows up to be smart and intelligent. To develop a sound mind in the child, parents must create a loving and caring environment around the child. The home must always be a safe space beyond which the child’s security must be overlooked by the parents. Physical health can be maintained by providing nutritious food and a hygienic environment. Parents can also provide regular body massages to the child to stimulate growth and enhance muscle coordination. Most importantly, if the child has any health issues, they must be addressed timely by a health professional. Parents must never self-treat a sick child. As with mental and physical health, a child’s personality can also be professionally mentored and monitored. This can be done by one of the best personality development institutes that can effectively intervene in personality development for kids

Following the above suggestions will help build the necessary launchpad to a brighter future for your kid. One will no longer be perplexed about how to make child smart and intelligent. Be prepared to watch your young one bloom into a bright and promising individual.