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8 Motivation Techniques for Students

· child development,motivation technique,education

Motivation is important for every age group. From kids to adults, everyone needs something that would inspire them to achieve their goals, no matter how small or big. Motivation helps you get out of your comfort zone and pushes you to be better. It is a fact that ‘you will not grow unless and until you leave the comfort zone. Motivation helps one to accept challenges, take risks and digest failure and move on as well. It helps you set goals and turn your plans into action. It helps you believe in yourself and work on yourself. 

Here are some motivation techniques for students that will help them achieve their academic goals: 

1. Promoting the Right Mind Set: 

It is important for students to look at things with the right mindset. Students need to understand the right and wrong and moral values and ethics alongside the science and mathematics they are taught. When we promote the growth mindset over a fixed one, students tend to do what they like and learn new skills which end up motivating them to achieve what they want. 

2. One Step at a Time: 

It is true that we should have big goals, but to reach those, we have to make sure to have short-term goals that can be achieved easily. For example, if someone wants to score 90+ on an exam, he or she should practice by scoring more than 80+ on weekly tests and then, improve themselves per test. As the students will achieve their short-term goals, it will make them confident and will motivate them to be better while achieving the long-term goals. 

3. A Friendly Competition: 

A friendly competition harms no one. Having competition for marks or different activities will motivate students to do better and focus on themselves even more. If the competition is between teams, it will help the students realize the importance of team and also help them learn how to cooperate with one another. They will also get leadership experience and it will help them in the future. A friendly competition will be a good technique to motivate students and help them grow. 

4. Breaks are Important: 

It can be exhausting to study continuously and it is even harder to stay motivated all the time. Taking breaks is as important as studying. Breaks are refreshing and reset your mind. It helps the student to stay focused on their goals for a longer while than just for a few hours. Rewarding oneself is also important after achieving the desired goal of the day. It sounds childish, but it is a technique that keeps students motivated and also increases their concentration capacity. 

5. Reading is the Right Answer: 

Reading makes you wise. It is true. But more importantly, it helps students to motivate themselves when they want to. No one is talking about reading books although that could help one gain so much knowledge for a lifetime, even reading just a motivational quote will be enough to motivate students for a short while. 

6. Remembering the Why: 

Even if students learn how to stay motivated, it won’t help them in the long run unless they are reminded of the ‘why’. Reminding oneself why they are doing what they are doing is crucial. That will help them to stay focused on their work, no matter how many obstacles they might have to face in the way. Knowing why you started is a useful technique to keep students motivated to achieve their goals. 

7. Attainable Goals: 

When students feel forced to do more than the bare minimum, most of them will tend to give up. But if students have attainable goals, they will do the work. Students like to feel challenged which also helps them with personal growth. And hence, helps the students stay motivated. 

8. Personality development training: 

Personality development is one of the important things that would help every student stay motivated. Personality development helps one realize their passion, know their strengths. It helps them polish their skills. Personality development for kids is necessary considering it will help them know their goals and will improve themselves at an early age. Personality development training helps one know themselves better and hence, it motivates them to follow their goals. 

Motivation techniques for students are required because it is important for students to stay focused on their goals. At this age, they are bound to make decisions that will determine their future. With the help of proper training and motivation, the students will have an optimistic view of different situations and that will help them to make a wise decision.