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6 Most Joyful Drama Games for Kids 

Parents with young kids are always on a mission to fulfill two aims – to educate their kids and to creatively engage them. While kids love to spend time playing games, they may not display similar readiness to patiently read out lessons from a book. Encouraging them to partake in games that have instructional and developmental values is the solution that will ensure that your kid benefits from such play sessions. `Drama games for kids are the best option parents can turn to when looking to incorporate both learning and play into your kid’s game time. Drama games are highly beneficial for young kids as it nudges them to think creatively, imagine vastly, and express freely. Such games will help them overcome inhibitions and build positive traits. Such games will help your kid become a team player and develop important social skills. Read on to discover some of the most fun drama games that you can engage your kids in.  

1. Weave a Tale: 

Kids love stories. Most kids grow up listening to stories narrated to them by their parents. What is often missed out on is how kids themselves can be great storytellers. The drama game ‘Weave a Tale’ is one that enhances the imagination and storytelling capabilities of kids while also sharpening their focus. Children, arranged in the form of a circle should be given a word or a phrase to begin a story with. The kid to start off the game should add a word or a sentence to the provided word/s. It is then added on to by the next kid seated beside him or her. The story thus gets woven as it is passed along the circle. Each kid gets the opportunity to add a stroke of his or her imagination to the story. They are also compelled to listen keenly to the development of the story. The game can be made more challenging by providing the kids with a theme to stick to. 

2. Guess the word/phrase: 

This drama game is a popular game enjoyed by both kids and adults alike. A word or a phrase is provided to a kid to act out. The kid shouldn’t be allowed to utter a word. The word or phrase must be communicated through gestures and actions alone. Setting a time limit for each enactment can make this game even more interesting. It is a game that can be beneficial in sharpening the expressive and analytical skills of kids. 

3. Identify Me: 

All kids have characters from movies and cartoons who they adore immensely. Most often, they display an eagerness to mimic their various attributes. ‘Identify me!’ is a drama game that puts to test how well kids observe characters and the extent to which they can successfully impersonate them in front of an audience. The kid must be given the name of a character popular with kids to impersonate. Without ever giving away the name of the character, the kid must, through actions and voice modulation, make the audience guess the character he or she is impersonating. This game too is more exciting when the clock is ticking away. 

4. Start! Action! Drama! 

This game is one that tests kids for their ability to react and adapt to a sudden scenario. A bunch of kids can be put together on a stage or in the center of a circle of kids. They must be given a scenario in the midst of which they must picture themselves to be. The actions and words that then spill out from them must reflect their response to being in that particular scenario. A sample scenario that can be provided is – ‘Imagine that you doze off on a railway platform only to wake up and realize that the train you have to board is slowly chugging away.’ The kids will then have to imagine themselves in that situation and gauge the best possible responses to it. The game will enhance their imagination as well as versatility. 

5. Hold that face: 

This fun game can be a really engaging one. A kid must be provided with an expression that must be worn on his or her face. The kid should then hold the expression for as long as he or she can. Meanwhile, the kids watching an attempt to bring in other expressions in that kid’s face. This drama game can teach the importance of staying in character even in the face of distractions. 

6. Two truths and a lie: 

This popular game is one that tests one’s storytelling abilities.  A kid must be asked to share three things about him/her with other kids. The three statements must contain two truths and a lie. The other kids must then guess which of the three statements is a lie. The only way to win this game is by convincingly delivering a lie as truth. This will then perplex the audience who will struggle to detect the lie. This game can develop one’s performative abilities greatly. 

These drama games are essential components of personality development for kids. Such games are utilized by the best personality development school to inculcate positive traits in kids. Parents can thus actively engage their little ones in such drama games for kids as it will contribute much to their holistic development.